Operation 22+11=0

The math doesn't add up, but let us show you how it can!
Join us in our efforts to take a proactive approach to suicide intervention.
Every day 22 veterans commit suicide.
The Marines 11th General Order gives us many of the tools we can use to intervene.
If we work together, we can bring that number to 0.

 United States Marine Corps
11th General Order
To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority. 

How can a General Order help with suicide prevention? 

We're glad you asked!
People will almost always notice something that is clearly incorrect.
If we break down the 11th General Order,
we see that this military tool has everyday applications that have proven to work in the fight against veteran suicide.

The Breakdown

"To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging,"
An overwhelming number of veterans face their demons alone, and often late at night.
"to challenge all persons on or near my post,"
When you see someone struggling with their demons, or something seems off, speak up, reachout, make contact and let the veteran know that they aren't in this alone.
"to allow no one to pass without proper authority."
No one gets left behind. We will not leave them, we will not look away, we will fight this with them.
We will get them help.

By working together, we can bring veteran suicide to zero!

Donations and purchasing merchandise greatly helps support our efforts to bring the number of veteran suicides to zero